Fix Your Golf Game
Using Science

  • Over 30 Years of Golf Knowledge in One Concise Instructional Movie
  • 8 Specific “Golf Robot Moves” Ryan uses to Break 70 regularly
  • Learn Key Swing Thoughts from a 3 foot putt to a 300 Yard Drive
  • Stop Wasting Your Time Practicing the Wrong Things
  • Stop Being Confused by Youtube, Instagram and TikTok Golf Tips!
  • Watch The Movie Today and Play Better Golf In Your Next Round
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Ryan Explains The Science Of



Trajectory Control Shots

Distance Controls Wedges

Swing Mechanics

Start Getting Results

Ryan’s typically booked solid 2-3 months in advance because of the Results he gets from his science based golf program. After watching his movie, you will know what to practice, and most importantly what to think about when hitting each shot. He tells you all of his pro secrets, so you can play the golf of your dreams!

Ryan's Science Based Golf Program Has Helped Thousands of Golfers:

  • Shoot Lower Scores, Fix Slices, Fix Hooks, Fix Fat Shots, Fix Thin Shots, Fix Pulls, Fix Pushes, Stop 3 Putting, Get More Distance, Eliminate Confusion and Leave the Course Happy.

Ryan Trengrove, PGA

Facility Owner and Director of Instruction, has taught over 35K Lessons in his career to players of all ages and ability levels.  His lowest competitive round is 66.  He has a TPIBio-Mechanics background and been around golf since the age of 12. 

Get To Know Ryan

Results From Ryan's Program

Discover the Transformative Impact: Words from Our Satisfied Golfers

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I wish I watched this movie years ago. I would have avoided alot of frustration. I would also have avoided wasted time on practicing the wrong things.  Thanks Ryan!
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Ryan's expertise is unparalleled. His ability to break down complex swing mechanics into understandable concepts transformed my game. 'The Human Golf Robot' is a game-changer!
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I've struggled with my drive for years, but 'The Human Golf Robot' changed everything. Ryan's clear instructions and visual aids finally helped me unlock the power and accuracy I've been seeking.
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I've gone from a beginner to confidently playing with friends on the course, all thanks to 'The Human Golf Robot.' Ryan's patient teaching style and comprehensive coverage are unmatched.

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